Combining Multiple Renewable Technologies

Combining Multiple Renewable Technologies

H2ecO has extensive experience of designing and maintaining projects that combine several renewable technologies for maximum carbon emission reduction and/or financial gain.

Understanding how these technologies work in relation to each other and how to make them work efficiently together is a real requirement but requires in-depth knowledge of all of the technologies and financial incentives etc.

It is not uncommon to find a mix of technologies that have been installed independently, work perfectly well independently but could have been made much more efficient if intelligently designed as a whole.

Combining Multiple Technologies

In a commercial setting, this could be a mix of PV generation, battery storage, Heatpump heating, Underfloor heating and MVHR ventilation or airconditioning systems.

In a domestic situation, the mix could be any or all of the same technologies but on a different scale and with different operational needs.

In both cases, an understanding of the current government grants and incentives is vital to making the projects as financially efficient as possible.

As a renewable-only specialist, H2ecO is a well established advisor on multiple technology designs and installations.

For any projects that are considering the use of Multiple renewable technologies, get in touch with us for an initial chat to see how we can help you achieve your aims in the most efficient and cost effective way.

  • Commercial building in Dorset combining MVHR, Heatpump heating, Underfloor heating, VRV airconditioning and 30kW of PV - Read Case Study